Friday, January 14, 2011

Braided T-shirt Necklace

These are for people. They do look very handsome on cats though. Each one takes about 15 minutes. 

1 Cotton t-shirt (The larger the shirt, the longer the necklace will be)
Cat (optional)

1. Fold the shirt in half. Cut off the bottom hem. Cut the rest of the shirt into 9 strips horizontally. Each should be about 2 inches wide. It doesn't need to be exact and you don't need to worry about cutting straight. You should end up with 9 loops of fabric. 

2. Cut each loop so you have 9 long strips.

3. Stretch each strip so the edges curl. 

4. Group the strips into 3 sets of 3. Sew the ends of each set together. This won't show so don't worry about how it looks. 

5. Braid each set of strips. This is your cat's job while you braid. 

6. Sew the ends of each braid together to secure them. For the necklace in this post, I braided all the braids together loosely and then I sewed the ends together. The other option (pictured at the end of this post) is to sew the ends of each braid together so you have 3 separate loops.  

7. Cut a rectangle out of the remaining fabric. Wrap it around the seams of your braids and sew the edges together. Turn it inside out so the seam is hidden. 

This is how it will look if you braid the 3 braids together. I wasn't especially happy with this one. I braided it too tight but you can learn from my mistakes.  

This is how it will look if you keep the loops separate. I also wrapped one loop around my neck twice so there are different lengths.  

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