Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hot Rice Bag

This is the best thing ever! I don't know why I've never owned one of these before. I found  this and it happened to be about 50 degrees inside my house this morning. Sewing isn't really my thing so I simplified it even more. Here's what you do.

Cut a square or recatangle out of your chosen fabric. It can be any fabric. I chose something a little heavier so you can't see through it. My rectangle was about 12 by 13 inches. It doesn't need to be exact though. Fold it in half with the outside in and sew 2 of the edges together. 

Turn it right side out and fill it with rice. I used somewhere between 5 and 6 cups. This requires 2 hands and my husband wasn't home to operate the camera. This was the best I could get. 

Turn the opening of your bag down so the edges of the fabric are inside. You can iron it if you want to but it's not necessary. And actually, it makes more sense to iron before putting the rice in. 

Sew the final edge of your bag closed. The bag is heavy so it's a little tricky to hold it and sew at the same time. Pins would probably make it easier but I don't have the patience for that crap. 

Here it is! I microwaved mine for 2 1/2 minutes and it's still hot an hour later. 

This is my morning. I'm so cozy and comfy. I don't even miss my husband. 

Yes I do. 

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